Gertrude's Harvest Exhibition Community Tent | Saturday | 1:00 pm Nantucket's Artisans, Bakers, Home Growers and Commercial Growers
Enjoy growing your own fruits, vegetables or flowers? Making jams, jellies or baked goods? Have a talent for Arts and crafts?
Register | Gertrude's Harvest Exhibition | 1:00 pm | Community Tent Ribbons will be awarded to 3 places in each Category.
The exhibition closes at 2:00 pm for judging. Pick up your entries after 3:00 pm Sunday
ARTS ~ Any paintings, drawings, sculptures, photographs Judge Criteria: Type of Art, Appearance, Quality of Design, Quality of Construction, Attention to Detail
BAKED GOODS ~ pies, cakes, breads, sweets, cookies Recipes must be submitted with baked good entry on 3"x5" index card Best Carrot Cake Contest Judge Criteria: Type of Baked Good, Presentation,Taste, Texture, Soundness, Ease of Serving
CRAFTS ~ any needlework, felt work, woodworking, pottery, basketry, jewelry, mobiles, stained glass, etc Judge Criteria: Type of Art, Appearance, Quality of Design, Quality of Construction, Attention to Detail
FRUIT- Any fruit that you have grown on Nantucket Nantucket Home Growers Fruit Nantucket Commercial Growers Fruit Judge Criteria: Presentation, Soundness , Color, Size
HOME BREW: Any of your own Nantucket home-made beer. IPA, Lager, Pilsner, Specialty Judge Criteria: Aroma. Taste, Body, Color, Taste
HONEY: Anyhoney harvested and packed on Nantucket Judge Criteria: Flavor, Color, Density, Aroma, Clarity
PRESERVES: Any jams, jellies, pickles, conserves, chutneys, or syrups made by you from your garden Judge Criteria: Type of Preverse, Presentation, Quality of Seal, Taste, Texture
VEGETABLES: Any veggies you have grown in your garden Nantucket Home Grower Nantucket Commercial Grower Ugliest Veggie Contest Judge Criteria: Presentation, Soundness/Condition, Shape, Size, Color