AMERICAN LEGION POST 82: Famous Quahog fritters, chowder, burgers, hotdogs, french fries, and italian sausage with peppers & onions for sale at the Legion Hall at 21 Washington St
NANTUCKET SKATING CLUB: Bake goods & cider for sale at the American Legion Hall at 21 Washington St
VENDORS 9:00 - 2:00
ISLAND FAIR T-shirts: NEW 2021 design $20.00 adult sizes S-M-L-XL $15.00 Kids Classic design $10.00 assorted sizes For sale at the Atheneum Garden
NANTUCKET HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION: Souvenir Cornmeal ground at The Old Mill will be for sale at the Whaling Museum
8:30 - 12:30 Please visit all the vendors at Sustainable Nantucket's Farmers & Artisans Market on Upper Cambridge Street